Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kasey's Modern Warfare 3 Video-game tips

Hello Gamers! If you're a real gamer than this is a good thing you should be reading. See this time I'm going to be talking about Modern.............. Warfare................ Three! [ WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!] If you're having a hard time on all the parts when the African Malitia is attacking you, here is what you should do:

  1. Don't get too close or they will whack you with the gun.
  2. Always try to hit them in the head to get them fully dead.
  3. If they are crawling on the floor shoot them on the back.
  4. Be careful of losing attention, or they will kill you. 
Ok now that is just for the African part. This time its the Germans. See the germans are more brutal because they have better guns. Such as AK47s with ACOG Sight of Red dot sight, so they have better aim. Now on to the Tips. 
  1. Always throw a Grenade then a flash bang or 9-bang.
  2. When the are crouching try to go up to them and melee them.
So these are the only tips for now, but all make more tips next time. 


  1. I want MW3 but I play MW2 I like all of modern warfares.

  2. Don't you think it will cause you to go crazy, but it seems like you really like this so called amazing game so I guess it's a good game. This is not Yuhong.

  3. Um I take it back.This is still not Yuhong.
